Tuesday, April 20, 2010

All Alone

I woke up on Saturday and looked at my watch. I thought it said 1:15 so I shot out of my bunk bed hitting my head on the top bunk because I forgot I was in a bunk bed and got ready for the day. When I got back into the room I checked my watch again and it said 8:40. I had looked at it upside down, typical. So naturally I slipped back into my bed for another hour of sleep before getting up and heading off into Barcelona. My first stop was Gaudi's still unfinished church, Sagrada Familia. It is huge and covered with cranes. Several people warned me not to go inside because the only thing to see is scaffolding so I just took some pictures and admired it's strangeness. Then I hopped on the metro and went up to Park Guell designed by (you guessed it) Gaudi! Below are pictures of what he intended to be a covered market and the view from the roof of it. His museum was supposed to be in the park but I wandered around for an hour trying to find it with no luck. I even asked a few people but they either didn't speak English or were in the same predicament. So I found a bench near a saxophone player and enjoyed the atmosphere.

I walked back to the metro and took it to the main street Las Ramblas and along that road was a food market called La Boqueria. Inside was crowded with people dead fish, fruit, and (to my delight)chocolates. I wasked around for as long as I could stand the crowds which is to say not very long and then went back to the street.

The day ended on a sad note though because I was supposed to have dinner with a few of the people I had met on the walking tour and cooking lesson the night before, but a couple never showed and I found out the other 2 had to go home. So I ended up eating dinner the same way I had spent the entire day, all alone.

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