Monday, April 12, 2010


Budapest has a huge amount of natural springs which is where they get all of their water. As a result several natural caves have formed in the limestone around the city. Lindsey and I wanted to go to one where the crevices are so winding that you have to wear overalls and helmets with lights, but that cave was closed for Easter so we ended up going to one where you just walk through on a normal tour. Not as thrilling, but it was still gorgeous. We were the only Americans in a huge tour group of Hungarians so we ended up not paying attention and taking pictures in the side passages because as you might know neither of us is fluent in Hungarian, I barely know how to say thank you- köszönöm(kersernerm). It was cold and dark and random stuff kept dripping on me. To make it even creepier the tour guide turned off all the lights and this chanting music started playing which would've been fine if we knew Hungarian because he probably gave warning in Hungarian but as it was, Lindsey and I freaked out more than what was necessary. I was very tempted to scream "What is happening?!" like our tour guide did when the lights went out in the catacombs in Italy, but he turned the lights back on before I had a chance. The I made Lindsey lay down like Chester Copperpot, but there was no treasure to be found in the cave.

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