I just got back to my apartment from my Easter weekend in Budapest and I'm exhausted and need to go to sleep, but before I go to bed, I have to describe to you what happened on the plane.
What you must understand is that Italians know no rules. Instead of lines, they cluster and every man is out for himself. For instance, you must be very assertive and stand your ground when it comes to lines or else without realizing it you'll be in front and in an instant 50 people have somehow squeezed in front of you and your place is then at all the way at the back. Anyway, patience is not really valued here. So when we landed in Rome the plane was still taxiing and as soon as it slowed down to a crawl all of the people ignored the seat belt sign and got up and started to get their carry on bags. As the plane was still moving, the head stewardess yelled at them all over the loudspeaker to not ignore the seat belt sign in future. 2 minutes later we were still moving and she decided to make them all sit back down, and as soon as she gave this direction the pilot had to stop so suddenly so that everyone still sitting had to grab the seats in front of them and every impatient person in the aisle fell down. It was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing because a man near us basically face-planted into his own suitcase. At this moment true and pure justice had been served. They ignored the seat belt sign and they suffered the consequences. After this happened all but 2 of them sat back down and the stewardess continued to try to get them to sit in English and Hungarian. Finally she admitted that she didn't speak Italian (because of course they were Italian) but it was clear that they needed to sit down. Only after the plane jolted again did they finally sit. Ridiculous, but this is why I love Italy.
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