Thursday, April 15, 2010

Museo Vaticano, Finalmente!

Today I met up with Vivi and her family and we ventured on over to the Vatican Museum. This has been a long time coming because this place has been destination number one since I got here and it has taken me 3 months to finally accomplish a visit. So we waited in line for about 20 minutes and headed up the stairs to the beginning of the place. We saw Christian tombs, Egyptian mummies, saint relics, frescoes, maps, Raphael Rooms, Bernini's plaster models, and the Sistine Chapel. In essence I was in heaven. And since Vivi's son was in his stroller the whole time we got to take short cuts around the stairs and all the people. The only hiccup was convincing the guards that I was part of the family so they would let me in the short cuts as well. I tried to switch places with Damian so that I was the one in the stroller, but he didn't go for this plan.

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