Monday, May 17, 2010

I Don't Understand English.

My first day in London was begun with a traditional English breakfast made by the culinary master Bethany. Beans, bangers, rashers, toast, eggs, fried tomatoes and mushrooms. Delicious.
After that delightful start to the day, we decided to do what we do best and go shopping. She took us to Camden which is a pretty awesome area of London filled with punks, tourists, and outdoor markets. One of the indoor markets used to be and old horse stable and the shops are inside the old stalls. Here I am with a giant horse head: We made our purchases and decided to leave just as it began to rain. Of course the weather channel said it was supposed to be sunny so my only option was to utilize a plastic bag to try to fend off revenge of the frizz:

When we got to the Tube station it was closed! Because why would it be open in the pouring rain? That would be too convenient, so we had to pull a Planes, Trains, and Automobiles maneuver and hoped on a bus. The bus took us to the next Tube station which was open and from there we walked the Queen's Walk along the Thames. What should be at the end of the Queen's walk? The Tate Modern! I know how fond you all are of modern and contemporary art, so try to contain yourselves at these next pictures:

I am particularly proud of this one because it is a photograph of viewers viewing a photograph of viewers viewing frescoes. Try saying that 5 times fast.

We ended the day back at Bethany's flat, which is right next to the Sherlock Holme's Museum House, don't ask me why a fictional character has a whole museum, or house for that matter.

P.s. I bet you're wondering about the title of this post. Well, if you're planning on visiting England be aware that although we speak the same language, Brits tend to mumble incoherently and you will only understand every third word until you get used to it.

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