Many of you are aware of my feelings for Iceland at the moment. There is no love lost between us and I would venture to say I am approaching a deep level of hatred for that little island. In fact I have big plans to become the Empress of Svalbard someday and when my chance comes I will unleash a full scale attack on Iceland. By that I mean begin a series of strategical paintball battles and color them unhappy. Yes, someday they will pay for the trouble they have caused me.
In case you missed it, the ash cloud of destroyed dreams, after a brief vacation over the Atlantic, has begun to drift over southern Europe. All of Spain, Morocco, and parts of Scotland, Germany, and Italy have closed their airports and the mysterious predictors of the ash movements have said it will soon be moving to Turkey. As of now I'm sticking to my original plan which is to go to London Saturday, from there Istanbul on Wednesday, and from there back to Rome on Friday, just in time for my flight to exotic New Jersey on Saturday. But of course whatever the ash wants, the ash does, so my plans could be completely different depending on whether or not I can perfect my telekinetic powers in order to move the ash to outer space and let the zombie aliens deal with it. I'll keep you posted.
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