Sunday, March 18, 2012


It's been about 2 and a half weeks since I started working in Venice. I don't know how much I'm allowed to tell you about what I actually do at the museum because of privacy agreements and whatnot. But I can tell you I work with the visitors every single day. Here are some of my favorite quotes from these visitors thus far:
  • Is this museum only Modern Art?
  • Where are the bathrooms? (This is the most frequent question I get in 4 different languages, and it always is asked the minute they step inside without having seen any of the museum yet.)
  • Did Peggy paint all of these?
  • Bagnnnnno. Where is the baaaaagnnno? (bagno = toilet. Unfortunately, I don't think I have to tell you he was American.)
  • Frenchfrenchfrenchfrenchfrenchfrenchfrenchfrenchfrench. Merci.
  • This is my favorite, I love Kandinsky! (In a room filled entirely with Pollock)
And my personal favorite:
  • Did you paint this? (Asking me if I was Carla Accardi, who was born in 1924, and the label for the painting he was referring to clearly stated it was done in 1960.)

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