Sunday, April 8, 2012

Buona Pasqua!

There are 30 interns working for the museum this month and only about 6 of them left for Easter weekend. Which left 24 of us to participate in what makes my Easter special (besides the obvious Resurrection, of course), the hunt!

We each pitched in a couple euros and 3 supermarkets later I had 30 eggs, 27 candy bars, and 6 bags of various other candies. A problem arose from the beginning because Italy and generally all of Europe only sells brown eggs. So when we tried to dye them yellow and orange they only turned slightly different shades of brown. Red was the only color that worked. But I think my subconcious is smarter than the average bear because red is the traditional color of dying eggs in Europe.

We hid the eggs in Peggy's sculpture garden and when the intern found his or her name they claimed their prize which was a bag of candy. There was one grand prize egg which said "You win!! You are the eggspert hunter!" the finder of which received a giant chocolate egg.

Other trick eggs designed by the decorators (Faberge was too busy, so it ended up being me a 2 other girls) to deceive the hunter into thinking they found the grand prize egg included phrases such as, "You haven't cracked it!" and "Congrats!! Loser." and my favorite, "This is not an egg."

It was a successful hunt except for the fact that we couldn't find one of the eggs. Hopefully we'll find it in a couple days when an egg tree starts spurting out of the ground.

1 comment:

  1. that is an aaaaaadooooorable jacket. i hope you didn't overpay.
