Thursday, April 22, 2010

Maritime Museum

The ban was lifted on the Barcelona Airport sometime Sunday night, so I knew when I woke up on Monday that I would be getting back to Rome. I checked out of the hostel for the second time and headed down to the sea port to go to the Maritime Museum. Barcelona was founded by the Romans because it was such a good area for a port. The museum was undergoing some renovations, so a lot of it was closed off but what I did see were some pretty awesome small scale boat models, a real boat, an underwater diving suit, a trunk that I wish weihed a feather because it would be perfect to organize my clothes, and an exhibit on the guy who invented the first successful submersible in 1856. Unfortunately I cannot read Catalonian and I can pick out only a few words in Spanish (such as "el" which means "the". You're welcome.) so I didn't understand most of what was going on but I enjoyed taking pictures. At the end of the exhibit there was a life sized reproduction of the submarine. Foolishly I looked in the porthole and had the shock of my life because a wax face was right there. Afterward it was time to head to the airport yet again and this time I successfully made it back to Rome and that volcano can go pound sand.

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