Friday, April 23, 2010

Castel Sant'Angelo

This week is culture week in Rome. They are celebrating the city's 2,763rd birthday, I can't even fathom being that old. As a gift to the people, all the museums in the city and surrounding areas are free, so Lindsey and I decided to get up Thursday morning and go to the Castel Sant'Angelo before class that afternoon. The place is a fortress built to protect the pope and had secret passage ways leading to St. Peter's Basilica in the event of an attack the pope will be safely secured in the castle. If you don't believe me you can always watch Angels and Demons.
If the angels don't protect him there are also convenient little nooks to dodge into to escape arrow fire:
And he'll be able to check the status of the Basilica from the roof:

See? These are what Il Papa plans on defending himself with: some weapons of mass destruction which have to be lifted into a catapult and a pretty elaborate gun. What ever happened to turning the other cheek?

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