Today four of us woke up at 4 AM to catch the bus to Stazione Termini, to catch a train to Pisa at 6:15. For once in the history of the world, Rome's bus was early and got us to Termini at 5:15AM. This is getting ridiculous. When I have plenty of time to get to the place, the bus comes early, and when I only have 15 minutes, the bus comes after an hour (this happened on Thursday and I completely missed my class). So we bought our tickets and checked the train schedule. It turns out we could have caught the same train at 6:30 from Stazione Trastevere, which is only a 20 minute walk from our apartment. Why? WHY?
We got to Pisa at 10:15. (I know you're thinking 4 hours for a day trip? But the local was €17 compared to the 2 hour express which was €45. I most definitely slept the whole time anyway.) This town is so small we walked for 30 minutes at we were at the other end of it. Coincidentally, the Tower of Pisa was at the end of it. And you know I had to take one of these cliche pictures:
Vivi and I were the only ones who wanted to climb it so we went to go buy tickets, but it turns out they sell by time period so the earliest we could go was 2:40. Since there's really nothing else to do in Pisa, and all the stores were closed because May Day is una festa for Labor Day, we did the only other possible thing in a small Italian town: ate lunch. Yasi and Emily had planned to go to Florence for the night so we went back to the train station and Vivi and I bought tickets for Rome and walked all the way back to the tower. On the way up we were rushing because we needed to make it back to catch the train to Rome at 3:45, so I may or may not have fallen trying to rush up for Vivi to take my picture before the other tourists got there, and she may or may not have captured the beginning of that fail on my camera:
In my defense, the whole leaning aspect gave me some mad vertigo on the stairs. I did make it up the rest of the tower without it falling over or anything, although knowing my luck I wouldn't have been surprised if it had.
Side note, I have had Pauly Shore's voice in my head all day saying, "It's the lea-ning tow-wer of piz-za!" in the way he gives all his words weird affectations, but I don't remember what movie it's from, can anyone end my misery and help me recall it?
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