Covent Garden is always crawling with people but it's such a cool place. Even if you're a struggling college student with no money to spend in the shops, dine in the fine restaurants, or go to the opera, you can still catch dinner and a free show of you don't mind sitting on the ground. We bought lunch at a pasty shop on the corner of the market and sat on a sidewalk. Then low and behold a man wearing a shabby looking black suit cleared a big circle around himself and delighted us with his varied skills. The finale of which had him almost falling off a 7 foot unicycle. Not exactly fois gras and Verdi, but I will have you social snobs know that it was funny.

Our next priority before heading off to the airport was to find Platform 9 and 3/4. (I grew up reading Harry Potter and am obviously still waiting for my letter from Hogwarts.) We got a little confused as to where it was and ended up in the wrong side of King's Cross. Fortunately we ran into a policeman who seemed to get lost Harry Potter freaks looking for it all the time and he led us through to the right spot.

Then we left Bethany's apartment and the adjacent Sherlock Holmes Museum (why does a fictional character have a house museum?) and headed to Heathrow and straight on til morning.
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