Thursday, May 20, 2010

Redeeming a Visit

Wednesday was our last day in London and we had to pack in as much tourism as we could. We started out at the British Museum, which is easily one of the best museums in the world, ignoring the fact that they looted a lot of their treasures from their colonies, of course. I had a decidedly better visit than the last time I was there in 2005.(I was with the Girl Scouts who had just landed after a 7 hour flight without sleep. The six of us dredged through the galleries like a pack of zombies, and finally fell asleep out front around one of the huge columns while my Mom went to the gift store. We woke up to some Asian tourists taking our picture. Not in the top ten experiences of my life.) So anyway, this visit was fantastic compared to that.

There's a head from Easter island (Someday I'll get there)
What museum would be complete without statues from Antiquity?
And the obvious favorite, the Rosetta Stone! I don't remember it being so small.

Golden Goat.
And whatever the hell this is.

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